July 6th 2015:  O'Toole Foundation approves $750,000 3 year grant


Grant provided funding to purchase new tractor and trailer

Grant provided funding to purchase new tractor and trailer

FOT is pleased to announce that the O'Toole Foundation has just approved a 3 year grant totaling $750,000 for the benefit of the Diocese of Lodwar, Turkana, to finance construction of a new boys' secondary school and junior seminary in Lodwar.  FOT was instrumental in preparing and submitting the grant proposal and will play a role monitoring construction and reporting on progress.


July 1, 2015:  Friends of Turkana is pleased to announce that it has financed the purchase of a tractor and trailer - (pictured above) - which is to be used to ease the burdens faced by farming communities, who currently till the hard, arid and rocky soil using sticks or rudimentary hoes.  The tractor will be used in a number of communities in and around Lodwar, and will make an enormous difference in terms of assuring a ready supply of fresh produce, as well as supply a source of income through sales.


July 3, 2015:  Friends of Turkana today announced the funding of the purchase of supplies, including tools, seeds, fertilizer, and farm animals, to be delivered to Edukuroit, a farming community on the outskirts of Lodwar, the capital of Turkana.  Eduduroit has a history of farming, but its lands were devastated in flooding, causing the loss of a growing season and consequent lack of food and produce for sale.  The supplies will allow the community to make up for such losses and enable them to increase productivity and yield. as well as allow for animal husbandry.